Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Club Meeting
Come hear what is going on with the club, bring new ideas, make a difference. We also sell new memberships at the end of the meeting!

Jeeps Hair Scramble
OCTOBER 6, 2024
There will be 3 races.
10:30. 1.5hr 2man for ATV
12:30. 3 hrs 2man for big bike
4:00. 1.5hr 2man for little bikes & women.
Sign in at 8 am
Practice at 9:30 am
Race at 10:30 am
Gate Admission:
$15 6-64 yrs
Free 5 and under/65+ Free
65cc (6-11*) 110cc 4 stroke
85cc (7-15*) 150cc 4 stroke
Open Women
Open Outlaw (100cc & up/No Pros)
250cc 4 stroke, 125-200cc 2 stroke
450cc 4 stroke, 250cc 2 stroke
Vet 30*
Vet 40*
Vet 50*
Vet 60*
Post Vintage (2011 & older)
Open Expert (125cc & up)
Iron man (bike)
1hr. Open bike class
ATV Open (90cc & up)
ATV 16yrs and under
ATV Iron Man
Entry fees: $30
We use Moto Tally electronic scoring system to score the race. You will need to purchase an RFID tag at sign-in if you don’t already have one for $10. You will need to bring your helmet to sign-in. These tags will last a few years if you take care of them. The benefits of this system are when you cross the finish line at each lap there will be a screen there telling you what place you’re in and how far you are behind the next person ahead of you in your class. Plus faster results after the race is over and lap times for each one of your laps.

52nd Annual St Valentine's Day Massacre
The 53nd running of the legendary St Valentine’s Day Hare Scramble.
Sunday Race Times:
Gates Open at 7:30am
at 8:00am
Practice Starts at 9:30am
Race Starts at 10:30am
Gate Admission:
Everyone age 6-64 (Racers, Pit Crew, Spectators, Family & Friends) $15.00
Children 5 years and younger, adults 65 and over FREE
Race Entry Fee for Motorcycle Races:
Amateur Race entry fee is $35.00 for 1st entry fee. 2nd, 3rd and more is $25.00 Per rider
Pro Race entry fee is $35.00 per entry.

55th Annual Turkey Run HS
55th Annual Turkey Run Hare Scramble - click image for full event details.

**RAIN DATE**23rd Annual Night Time National - Park City Supercross Round 6
23rd Annual Night Time National - Park City Supercross Round 6. Click image for full event details.
PLEASE NOTE! Everything starts ONE HOUR earlier than normal!
CLICK HERE for live timing for this event

MOVMX Vintage Motocross
Missouri Vintage Motocross championship. Click image to see full event details.
See WWW.MOVMX.COM for a full list of classes

Park City Supercross - Round 5
Park City Supercross - Round 5. Click image for full event details.
CLICK HERE for live timing for this event

Park City Supercross - Round 4
Park City Supercross - Round 4. Click image for full event details.
CLICK HERE for live timing for this event